How to shop at Eco Maniax
Shopping Instore

What Container Should I Bring?
For foods, anything that you already own! Tupperware, used take away containers, empty ice cream tubs, cloth produce bags, jam jars,….as long as it’s clean & dry then use it, no need to buy anything new, that’s the whole idea!
If you're refilling detergents or shampoos etc then a thoroughly cleaned out similar bottle is fine. We just ask that you don’t use drinks bottles to fill with these products for health & safety reasons!
How Does It Work?
Empty Container
Place your container on the scales & press ‘I have an empty container’. This will print you a label with a barcode & weight to place on your container. This can be used over and over, every time.
Fill your container
Take a stroll around the store and use our gravity fed dispensers, scoop bins & spice jars to fill your container
Weigh your container
Scan the first label barcode on the scanner by the scales. Place your container on the scales & press ‘I have a filled container’
Time to checkout
Find the product on the simple to use touchscreen menu, press the green button & hey presto, it gives you a label with the price & product details, stick that on your container and take it to the till. Simple!